Pi Day Challenge:Calculating Pi with Food

“If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.” ― John von Neumann

For Pi Day, we created this engaging activity that shows students how math constantly shows up in real life! Use this activity to help kids practice finding Pi in circle-shaped foods everyday.🍩🍪🥮🎂🥞🧁🥯🍊

💡 This content could be used for both lecturing or a classroom activity.


  • Video-assisted Learning: Watch the video to discover the idea of calculating pi with pizza.
  • Calculating Pi with Food: Students could bring food that they eat in everyday life to calculate pi. After completing the worksheet, they can use Companion App-Throw feature to participate and give feedback either in person or remotely. (We took Skittles as an example to calculate pi in the Originals video.)