Let's do laundry!

We believe our children can finish chores by their own, sometimes they just need to practice and repeat the task every day, such as doing the laundry. Letting children be responsible for essential life skills helps boost a child’s confidence. It not only keeps them feel secured but also gives them the confidence to try new things.

This original content- Let’s do laundry can be used for health, life skills, special education, and homeschooling education either in person or remotely.


  • Laundry Vocabulary Matching: Drag the correct vocabulary word matching to the pictures. Introduce the important laundry vocabulary to children to build a basic framework for subsequent activities.    
  • Laundry Sorting by Color: Drag each piece of clothing into the correct basket. This can help children develop the recognition and identification of colors.
  • Hang Out the Laundry: Drag each piece of clothing matching the outlines. Children play this activity to trace the lines and these fine motor movements are actions performed with small muscles in the hands, helping children develop fine motor skills as well.
  • Laundry Ironing: Click to iron out wrinkles on clothes.
  • Laundry Sequencing: Drag the pictures to sequence the steps of laundry.