
Healthy Eating_MyPlate

According to the USDA Food Guide [MyPlate] to design this digital content activity for teachers to interact with students about food groups and healthy eating.


  • Begin with Video-assisted Learning to help build the background of Healthy Eating.
  • Use Hierarchy Triangle Graphic Organizer to help students learn about food groups' sort and healthy eating choices.
  • What’s your favorite fruit? Students can use myViewBoard Throw feature to participate and feedback either in person or remotely.
  • What’s your favorite veggie? Students can use myViewBoard Throw feature to participate and feedback either in person or remotely.
  • Food Traffic Lights 🔴🟠🟢to help students distinguish between good and bad food to make healthy choices to eat more or less.
  • My Healthy Plate: Students can use myViewBoard Whiteboard AI PEN tool to draw foods to his/her healthy plate.