
Dental Care

Oral health education is important that should be discussed with children and promote the correct oral health behaviors. The objective of this original content is to practice good habits regarding oral health care. This original content is designed to encourage students to think about the relationships between knowledge, choice, behavior, and enhanced human health when they play the activities.


🎯 Prepare & Present

🦷 Click play to watch the video.

🦷 Apply motion to make the brushing teeth stand out and bring them to life- adding impression.

🎯 Participate 🦷 Students turn to interact with the digital Whiteboard to make learning fun!

  • Match: If students drag the incorrect habit onto the tooth, it will show brown tooth decay! On the contrary, if they drag the correct habit, it will be a white healthy tooth.
  • Organize: Drag the best and worst foods for your teeth.