
Volume2: Cube and Rectangular Prism

Originals- Volume 1 and Volume 2 with a fun penguin theme and visual graphics aid mathematical concepts to help students understand the measuring of volume. Volume 2 is an advanced content to practice the volume measurement of irregular shapes. 

Boring math, what’s that? Play Originals Online Game- Penguin-themed Math: Volume to help penguins complete the tasks in the math journey.


  • Begin with Video-assisted Learning to help build the knowledge of volume formulas of the rectangular prism.
  • Practice formulas to calculate the volume of the rectangular prism.
  • Practice formulas to calculate the volume of the cube.
  • Pop Quiz: calculate the volume of rectangular prism /cube and throw the answer to Whiteboard.
  • Geometric measurement: calculate the volume of irregular shapes.
  • Spin Game: play to calculate the volume of irregular shapes.
  • Originals Online Game- Penguin-themed Math: Volume, let’s help penguins complete the tasks in the math journey!

🎯 Part 1: I am a postman!

  • The penguin wants to deliver the 10 letters, but the address on the letter only states the volume of the igloo. Before time’s up, please help penguin choose the correct answer to complete the letter delivery task.


🎯 Part 2: Knock! knock!

  • Knock 10*10 ice cubes and then calculate the volume of the remaining unit cubes. The more you break the ice cubes, the higher scores!