
Butterfly life cycle

This activity demonstrates how to integrate a KWL chart and a video to teach the life cycle of a butterfly.


Use a KWL board to introduce the lesson:

  1. Ask students what they already know about the life cycle of a butterfly. Write their responses on the "K" column.
  2. Ask students what they would like to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. Write their responses on the "W" column.
  3. Afterward, play the "Butterfly song” Video-assisted Learning.

Open the activity and let the students rearrange/place the images on the chart so it shows the correct sequence of a butterfly’s life cycle.

After the activity, you can use the following closing exercises:

  1. Watch the time-lapse video to learn more about how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
  2. Go through the KWL chart and check off things in the "W" column that the class learned today.
  3. Add items to the "L" column to show students what they learned today.