
Volume: Let’s build an igloo!

Volume is an interesting Math Topic that is relevant in everyday life and volume measurement includes measuring the volume of the space occupied by a 3D object to practice visual-spatial Intelligence.

Originals- Volume 🧊 with a fun penguin theme and visual animation graphics aid mathematical concepts to help students understand the measuring of volume with unit cubes. Seeing buildings in terms of layers and knowing how to count the number of cubes in a layer and multiplying or using addition the quantity by the number of layers.

You can use myViewBoard Whiteboard digital tools – Pop Quiz & Polls to interact with students engaging in the classroom.

Activities :

  • Animation-assisted learning to guide students to distinguish between 2D shape and volume (3D).
  • Animation-assisted learning to help students understand what volume is and what cubic centimeter is.
  • Animation-assisted learning to help students understand how to calculate the volume of a prism with unit cubes and layers.
  • Pop Quiz: How to calculate the volume of a prism?
  • Polls: Which of the igloo has the largest volume?
  • Build your igloo and calculate the volume!
  • Resource Slide: for teachers that they can use these graphics/elements to build their own lessons.