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Online Games


Map Skills: Compass Rose

If you get lost in the forest and you have no GPS nor cell phone signal; the only thing you have is a map, you'll need to know how to use that map as a tool! In this content, students are going to learn about map skills: Compass reading and map reading. 

Learning through playing: Play Originals Online Game- Find the Treasure to help finches find the hidden treasures! Teachers can use the QR code generated in this content to share the game and interact with the class, either in person or remotely. 


  • Begin with Video-assisted Learning to help build background knowledge about map skills. Students will learn to explain how to use a compass rose.
  • Learn the differences between map and globe: Drag the words related to the graphic into the box under it.
  • Introduce compass rose: What are the cardinal directions on a compass rose? Furthermore, divide those directions into ordinal directions to create an eight-point compass rose.
  • Spin the compass rose: Practice reading the directions on the compass rose.
  • Grip Map: Each square on a grid has a number and a letter. Use them to figure out the coordinates of the objects. 
  • Worksheet: Students will analyze information on this street map and write down the relative directions of the objects. This content is editable, teachers can move the objects around for your own teaching/learning activities.     
  • Originals Online Game- Find the Treasure: Follow the tips to help the finches find the hidden treasures! 
Find the Treasure

Find the Treasure

Follow the tips to help finches find the hidden treasures!