Multiplication 07 : Multiplication Expression
This content allows students to understand the meaning of words and convert them into mathematical expressions, and skillfully apply multiplication in real-life situations.
Students will be able to:
- Recognize and understand different multiplication symbols.
- Practice converting word phrases into multiplication expressions.
- Practice converting multiplication expressions into words.
- Apply multiplication expressions to solve real-world problems.
- Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. (CCSS)
- Multimedia Learning: Follow the animation to learn about multiplication expressions. At the end of the video, use ClassSwift to ask questions and collect students’ responses.
- Multiplication Symbols: Present students with different multiplication symbols. Discuss their meanings and how they are used in expressions.
- Text to Equation: Provide students with a variety of word phrases that involve multiplication. Guide them in converting these phrases into multiplication expressions using appropriate symbols and numbers.
- Equation to Words: Present students with multiplication expressions. Have them convert these expressions into words.
- Real-world Application: Provide students with word problems involving multiplication. Guide them in identifying the key information, writing the corresponding multiplication expression, and solving the problem.
- Multiplication Expression Battle: Divide the class into two teams. Have the teams play rock-paper-scissors to determine the order of answering questions. The winner can answer the question first. Teams take turns answering questions, and correct answers earn stars. The team with the most stars at the end wins.