
Multiplication 02 : Solving Multiplication Problems—Part 1


This content allows students to grasp the fundamental concepts of multiplication. By using concrete images, students can visualize the meaning of multiplication equations and transition from tangible objects to abstract mathematical concepts. This approach enables students to effectively solve multiplication problems with answers up to 100.


Students will be able to:

  • Analyze problems and apply mathematical concepts to solve real-world challenges
  • Interpret products of whole numbers. (CCSS)
  • Use multiplication within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities. (CCSS)


  • Multimedia Learning: Improve students' understanding of the concept of multiplication through an Originals animation. At the end of the video, assign a quiz and check students’ comprehension immediately using Class Swift.
  • Multimedia Learning: After watching the Originals animation, use ClassSwift to assign a quiz where students write multiplication equations based on the visual representation.
  • Interpret Multiplication: Have students roll the dice to generate two numbers. Use objects to represent the multiplication problem.
  • Multiplication Expression: Present students with objects arranged in equal groups. Have them write the corresponding multiplication expression to represent the situation.
  • Real-life Word Problems: Provide students with word problems involving multiplication. Guide them in identifying the key information, setting up the multiplication equation, and solving the problem.
  • Multiplication Bingo: Divide the class into teams. Have each team roll the dice to generate two numbers. The team calculates the product and marks the corresponding square on their Bingo card. The first team to get five squares in a row wins.