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States of Matter – What is matter?

🌎 Matter is Everywhere!

Everything around you and making you are made up of matter- the trees, the smoke, even the water you drink. On Earth, matter can be found under 3 different physical forms called states of matter. One of the first science concepts many children learn is the three states of matter: gas, liquid and solid.

We created original content of learning states of matter, 2 versions included. This one is for kindergarten through grade 2 students to strengthen students' understanding of matter and its three states. Another is for grade 4-6 students an insight into how the states of matter can be changed from one form to another.

Also, we added one page Originals ICON RESOURCES for teachers that they can use these states of matter graphics in their digital Whiteboard design.


What is matter? This is designed to activate students' prior knowledge of solids, liquids, and gases for kindergarten through grade 2 students.

💡 Activities:

  • Begin with Video-assisted Learning to help build the background of what are the states of matter.
  • Animation-assisted to introduce the changes in the states of matter.
  • Anchor Charts about the matter for teachers to talk about the properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases.
  • Let’s start sticking the particles in place. This motivating, playful particle model is useful to explain the behavior of and differences between solid, liquid, and gas.
  • Matching Matter! Sort the real-world pictures of materials into the correct group.
  • Practicing the worksheet of states of matter integrated with student participation and feedback either in person or remotely by using myViewBoard Throw feature.
  • States of Matter Guess Who? Let’s find them! Drag the matter object to the blank boxes.
  • Originals ICON RESOURCES. Teachers can use these ViewSonic Originals states of matter icons in your digital Whiteboard design.