We’ve added a couple of new surprises this month in our latest update for myViewBoard for Windows.
Introducing the 3D Dice and XY Graph
The Magic Box now includes the 3D dice and XY graph in its collection of useful tools.
To insert these, launch myViewBoard for Windows, then click the Magic Box icon on the main toolbar. On the Magic Box toolbar, click the Tools icon. Click the 3D dice or the XY graph from the available tools.
Using the 3D dice
By default, the 3D dice selects a random number from a 1-6. However, it comes with a few more other features:
- Click
to change the color of the dice.
- Click the and buttons to change the number of dice on the board.
Click to change the values displayed on the dice:
- To show numbers, click the dice icon
- To show letters, click the A icon. Double-click the letters to add your own text!
- To show images, click the wrench icon, then drag an image from the canvas into the box.
Using the XY Graph
For Math lessons, use the XY Graph to plot values on the X and Y (horizontal and vertical) axes.
- Click the grid to toggle grid diplay.
- Click the numbers to toggle axis numbers.
- Click the pen icon to start drawing on the axis.
- Click the pen icon again to toggle eraser mode. Click a line to erase.
Marvel at fade in animations
We’ve also added a new ‘fade in’ animation.
To apply the animation:
- On a selected object, click the Fade icon on the Adorning Menu.
- Adjust the Fade In slider to activate the animation.
- Note that you can apply both ‘fade in’ and ‘fade out’.
- To swap the animation order, click the icon on the side.
Note that in presentation mode, objects with the fade-in animation will not be visible on the canvas. Click on these objects and watch your students be amazed at the magical reveal!
Original Content now opens right inside myViewBoard
Have you ever wanted to test out vBoard content? myViewBoard makes it easy.
- Launch myViewBoard for Windows.
- Open the Embed browser.
- Click the myViewBoard Original Content tile.
- After the myViewBoard Original Content page loads, drag and drop any myViewBoard Original Content from the Embed browser onto the canvas.
And voila! Instant lesson. No more complicated download-save-open routine just to test out vBoard files. This works for myViewBoard Original Content backgrounds, too.
More improvements
We’ve also updated a few things on the backend to make your myViewBoard experience better:
- Background images now display as tiles occupying a 9×9 grid on the canvas.
- The Education theme now uses white for the background color and black for pen and text colors as the defaults.
- Exported PDF, PPTX or images display the URL of embedded YouTube videos or web widgets.
- Quality of imported PDF pages have been improved as well.
- The layout of the Settings menu has been updated for better readability.
- Additionally, the Settings menu now has the option to set preparation or presentation mode as the default startup mode.
myViewBoard Wiki gets a makeover
Last but not the least — we’ve given the myViewBoard wiki a fresh coat of paint! The wiki has been redesigned with our users’ needs in mind. We’ve put front and center the topics that our users would be most interested in.

Come visit us at http://wiki.myViewBoard.com and let us know what you think.