
Party for the Planet- Animals in Different Climates

Where would you find a penguin?

You may forget whether penguins live near the North or South pole. (The answer is South.) Even so, you probably wouldn't look for one in the rainforest. Each species is found only in a certain set of habitats out of the many on Earth. One of the most important factors determining where different species can live is climate.

In this content, guide the children to find out the features of animals in different climates of the earth and explore environmental issues to think about how we can contribute to creating a healthier environment for all living things on the planet!

Celebrate Earth Day, World Environment Day every day. SAVE NATURE, SAVE ANIMALS, SAVE THE WORLD!πŸ§πŸ»πŸ¦”πŸ¦₯πŸ‹


🌎 Shadow Matching Puzzle: Use visual discrimination skills to sort the plants and animals by their shape and outline. Match and classify the graphics of plants and animals in different climates.

🌎 Venn Diagram: Use the diagram to compare and contrast two animals in the same climate zone.

πŸ’‘Originals Graphics Animations aid students in thinking about the intersection of two animals.

  1. Polar: Polar Bear vs. Penguin
  2. Temperate: Bear vs. Hedgehog
  3. Tropical: Jaguar vs. Sloth

🌎 Google Earth Quiz- Animal Sounds: The sounds animals make are as diverse as their looks. Match the call to the creature and view the animal’s location photosphere on Google Earth.

🌎 Google Earth- Roll the Dice: Google Earth will fly to a random location. Students can work as a group to investigate and describe which climate zone is it, what kinds of animals live in it, and even the appearance, diet, or habitat of the animal.

  • Teachers can use Participate mode for group live collaboration.
  • Students can use Image Search tool to find the animal's pictures and drag and drop the pictures on canvas.

🌎 Explore Environmental Issues: Watch a video to raise positive awareness of environmental issues and discuss how climate change affects animals and how the butterfly effect causes changes to one another.