Multiplication 04 : Determining the unknown number
This content allows students to use images to learn to observe and find unknown numbers in multiplications, and hone basic algebra and logical thinking skills.
Students will be able to:
- Apply multiplication to find the missing side of a rectangle.
- Connect the concept of area to multiplication.
- Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication equation relating three whole numbers. (CCSS)
- Multimedia Learning: Students will learn how to identify unknown numbers in multiplication problems through an Originals animation. At the end of the video, assign a quiz and check students’ comprehension immediately using Class Swift.
- The Missing Side: Have students take a screenshot of a gif showing a rectangle with one side length and the area provided. Guide them in using multiplication to determine the length of the missing side.
- Finding Area with Multiplication: Have students draw rectangles on the grid paper. Guide them in writing the multiplication sentence that represents the area of the rectangle.
- Find the missing number: Present students with a series of puzzles involving missing numbers. Guide them in using their multiplication skills and logical reasoning to determine the missing values.
- Multiplication Crossword puzzle: Provide students with a crossword puzzle where the clues involve multiplication problems. Guide them in solving the multiplication problems to fill in the crossword puzzle.
- ViewSonic Originals Online Game: Engage students in an interactive online multiplication game.