
Multiplication 06 : Solving Multiplication Problems—Part 2


This content allows students to use multiplication to compare quantities, developing their understanding of proportional relationships.



Students will be able to:

  • Practice interpreting and completing multiplicative comparison statements.
  • Apply multiplicative comparison to solve real-world problems.
  • Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison. (CCSS)
  • Represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations. (CCSS)
  • Multiply to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison. (CCSS)


  • ·Multimedia Learning: Follow the animation to learn about multiplicative comparison. At the end of the video, use ClassSwift to ask questions and collect student‘s responses.
  • How Long is Mick’s Ribbon?: Have students roll dice to determine the length of Max's ribbon and the multiplicative factor. Guide them in arranging the visual representations to determine the length of Mick's ribbon.
  • Fill in the Blanks: Provide students with statements involving multiplicative comparison. Have them fill in the blanks with appropriate numbers.
  • The Hidden Letter: Present students with word problems involving multiplicative comparison. Have them solve the problems and circle the correct answers to reveal a hidden letter.
  • Compare the Price: Use the spin function to select two products. Guide students in comparing the prices using multiplicative comparison and expressing the comparison in complete sentences.
  • Multiplication Comparison Battle: Divide the class into two teams. Have the teams play rock-paper-scissors to determine the order of answering questions. The winner can answer the question first. Teams take turns answering questions, and correct answers earn stars. The team with the most stars at the end wins.
  • ViewSonic Originals Online Game: Engage students in an interactive online multiplication game.