Emoji Emotions I - Design your own holiday Emoji

Nowadays, people send holiday messages completed with emojis to express feelings. Let students design their own holiday emojis to use them for identifying and reflecting upon emotional and visual language. No doubt, you will see your class filled with emoji experts! 🌝😍🥰 😊😀🤩🐰


  • Matching I: Drag the corresponding emoji into the circular outlines that match the different emotions words.
  • Matching II: Drag the corresponding emotions words into the boxes provided under matching to match with the different emojis.
  • Matching III: Drag the emojis to match where the emotion falls on the meter from happy (low) to angry (high) to figure out their emotions. For group collaboration, students can throw their photos to canvas and classify the facial emotions on the meter. 
  • Design your own holiday Emoji: Students will use the Moon-Festival symbols to add their emoji creations.