
Shape Finches


Shapes are the best allies for creations. Animators and directors create shapes inside the frame to add visual storytelling to their characters and films. In order to transmit different feelings to the viewer, as though people may not notice these shapes directly, but they have an important impact on their feelings. You may see good guys are always round, the most recognizable character in animation with three-circle shape - Mickey Mouse.

This content activity engages students to create their own Shape Finches to discover their feelings about shapes and associate them with personality traits. Ideal to integrate social-emotional learning in the classroom where mathematics meets art to inspire and bring the lessons to life and help students learn about expressions and emotions.


  • Simple activity Bouba/Kiki effect to kick start class: which shape is bouba? which is kiki? 💡Tips: Teachers can use Speak Selected Text for students to pair visual shapes and sounds.
  • What is your feeling about these geometric shapes? 💡Tips: Teachers/ Students can use Sticky Note to interact in the class.
  • Do you know any characters that feel like the basic shapes below? What personality traits would you associate with them? 💡Tips: Students can use their own device (BYOD) with Companion App to throw characters images to participate and feedback either in person or remotely.
  • Can you find the basic shapes of Shape Finches? What personality traits would you associate with them? What’s the name of Finches?
  • Create your own Shape Finches!