Fractions 04:Comparing Fractions-Part 2
This content allows students to learn how to compare fractions with different denominators or numerators. We provided 1 animation and 6 activities in this content, all of them are multimedia-based. Teachers can keep their original lecture files while integrating with our content to create an interactive learning environment.
Students will be able to:
- Compare fractions with different numerators and denominators by using either base fractions or finding a common denominator.
- Improve their operational thinking skills in the context of fractions.
- Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators. (CCSS)
- Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. (CCSS)
- Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions. (CCSS)
- Multimedia Learning: Improve students' understanding of comparing fractions through an Originals animation. At the end of the video, assign a true or false quiz and check students’ comprehension immediately using Class Swift.
- Comparing Fractions Activity 1: Provide students with a visual representation of fractions and boxes labeled "greater than 1/2" and "less than 1/2." Guide students in comparing the fractions to 1/2 and dragging them to the appropriate box.
- Comparing Fractions Activity 2: Guide students in comparing the fractions to 1/2 and dragging them to the appropriate box.
- Interactive Lecture: Explain the cross-multiplication method using visual aids and examples. Guide students through the steps of multiplying the numerators and denominators diagonally and comparing the products to determine which fraction is greater.
- Comparing Fractions Activity 3: Have students roll two dice to generate two fractions. Guide them in comparing the fractions using any learned method and recording their answer.
- Fraction Brainstorm: Facilitate a class discussion where students share their preferred strategies for comparing fractions.
- Fraction Frenzy: Divide the class into two teams. Conduct a question-and-answer session using prepared fraction comparison questions. The team that answers correctly earns a star. The team with the most stars at the end wins.