
Fractions 01 : Understanding Fractions


This content allows students to learn the fundamental concepts of fractions in an engaging and interactive way. We provided 4 bell ringers, 4 activities, and 1 exit ticket in this content, all of them are multimedia-based. Teachers can keep their original lecture files while integrating with our content to create an interactive learning environment.



Students will be able to:

  • Define the numerator, fraction bar, and denominator.
  • Define key terms related to fractions and explore their real-world applications.
  • Match numerical and word forms of fractions.
  • Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts. (CCSS)
  • Understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a part of size 1/b. (CCSS)



  • Multimedia Learning: Improve students' understanding of the concept of fractions through an Originals animation. At the end of the video, assign a quiz and check students’ comprehension immediately using Class Swift.
  • Interactive Q&A: Pose the question: "If we only have one cookie, how can we share it fairly among all the little monsters?" Students can draw their solutions and upload them using ClassSwift.
  • Drag and Drop Activity 1: Provide students with a visual representation of fractions and corresponding images. Guide them in dragging the correct fraction to match each image.
  • Real-world Application: Ask students: "What is a fraction? When do we need fractions in real life?" Facilitate a discussion to clarify understanding and highlight the importance of fractions in everyday life. Students can upload their answer using ClassSwift.
  • Interactive Lecture: Present an interactive page with definitions of the numerator, fraction bar, and denominator. Have students click on the blank spaces to reveal the definitions.
  • Cut and Color: Guide students in using the segment tool to divide a shape into equal parts and color specific fractions.
  • Drag and Drop Activity 2: Provide students with fractions in numerical and word form. Guide them in matching the corresponding pairs.
  • Wheel of Fractions: Spin the arrow and pick a fraction. Have students click on the images that represent the given fraction. Emphasize that there may be multiple correct answers.
  • Fractions Card Game: Divide the class into two teams. Each team takes turns flipping a card and identifying the fraction. Correct answers earn stars. The team with the most stars at the end wins.
  • Emotion Reflection: Invite students to express their feelings about the lesson by writing their emotions on a piece of paper and placing it in a box. After collecting the responses, count the number of each emotion to determine the overall class mood. Express the results in fraction form. This activity fosters a safe and open environment for students to share their thoughts honestly.