Fractions 10 : Dividing Fractions
This content allows students to learn how to divide fractions by whole numbers and vice versa. We provided 1 animation, 4 activities and 1 exit ticket in this content, all of them are multimedia-based. Teachers can keep their original lecture files while integrating with our content to create an interactive learning environment.
Students will be able to:
- Use visual models to explain the concept of dividing fractions by whole numbers.
- Connect dividing by whole numbers to multiplying by reciprocals.
- Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions. (CCSS)
- Interpret the division of a unit fraction by a non-zero whole number, and compute such quotients. (CCSS)
- Interpret the division of a whole number by a unit fraction, and compute such quotients. (CCSS)
- Solve real-world problems involving the division of unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers and the division of whole numbers by unit fractions. (CCSS)
- Multimedia Learning: Improve students' understanding of multiplying a fraction by a fraction through an Originals animation. At the end of the video, assign a quiz and check students’ comprehension immediately using Class Swift.
- Dividing Fractions Activity 1: Use the spinner to generate two numbers, A and B. Guide students in dividing the integer (A) by the unit fraction (1/B).
- Dividing Fractions Activity 2: Present students with a gif showing a random fraction and a whole number. Screenshot the gif to capture the specific fraction and whole number. Assign the problem on ClassSwift for students to solve.
- Dividing Fractions Activity 3: Present a puzzle where students must solve fraction division problems to uncover hidden letters. Create a multiple-choice question on ClassSwift to assess their understanding.
- Real-world Application: Present students with word problems involving dividing fractions in real-life contexts. Guide students in identifying the necessary information, determining the correct operation, and solving the problem. Encourage them to show their work and label their answers with appropriate units.
- Monopoly: Adapt the Monopoly game to focus on fractions. Students must answer the question correctly to stay in the space or move back if incorrect. The first player to reach the finish line wins.