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December has arrived, bringing new features and support for more languages.
Easier Deleting
We’ve added a delete function to remove all drawing strokes, and nothing else. To access this feature, click twice on the eraser icon in the toolbar, and then click the new “open trash can” clear all strokes icon, seen in the gif image below. This currently applies to Whiteboard for Windows. Deleting strokes with this method removes all drawing strokes (even if they had been saved to the canvas), but will not remove shapes created by the ‘Shape/Line’ tool. But fear not – there’s always the undo button for restoring accidentally deleted drawn lines!

This is useful if several users have been annotating an image or other media on a Whiteboard canvas, and the host/teacher wishes to clear the drawings quickly while keeping the underlying images and shapes. It will even delete those beautifully-smooth lines described in the next section.
Read more about Whiteboard at our wiki, or watch guides on our YouTube channel.
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Smoother Drawing
Drawing and pen strokes are automatically smoothed in Whiteboard for Windows – although you might have to be paying attention, as it happens almost immediately! Mouse users and users with latency issues will likely benefit the most. This feature can now be turned on or off via the gear icon in the top-right corner of Whiteboard for Windows.

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Better Cloud Integration
For users who have connected their Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or OneDrive for Business accounts, accessing your files stored in the cloud is now easier than ever. Google Drive’s “Shared with me” and “Recent” folders, and OneDrive’s “Shared” and “Recent” folders, are now fully accessible from Whiteboard for Windows. Access cloud folders via the Magic Box icon in the toolbar.
Click here to read more about cloud integration with the myViewBoard ecosystem.
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Classroom, Throw and Pop Quiz Now Support Password Protection
From FollowMe, users can choose to set a four-digit password for Classroom sessions, Throw, and Pop Quiz. When using Throw, users’ full names will be displayed, instead of their myViewBoard name. When logged in to myViewBoard, click your avatar and then Edit Account to configure how your full name is displayed.
Click here to read about how myViewBoard settings keep your myViewBoard experience consistent across devices.
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Support for More Languages
Whiteboard for Windows and Android
To continue our commitment to support localization of our ecosystem, the ‘What’s New’ menu now has support for the following languages:
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Danish
- Swedish
- Russian
- Turkish
- Traditional Chinese
myViewBoard Record and Live
myViewBoard Record and Live now supports:
- Danish
- Dutch
- Russian
- German
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
- Traditional Chinese
We’ve also added app store descriptions in more languages, and are working on offering our services in more languages.
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Other Changes
We’ve been hard at work across the whole myViewBoard ecosystem: fixing bugs, reducing load times for myViewBoard Original Content, making Clips easier to use, and making Record, Live, and the Companion app run better.
That’s it! Have a great holiday season.