Entity Management

All the setup tools and info to run your entity

Entity Management

All the setup tools and info to run your entity

Managing users

After users have been added to an entity, admin can configure certain parameters.

Options for managing users in the Users page: 1) bulk remove users, 2) reset password for user, 3) set role of user, 4) remove individual user.

User roles

Two user roles are available to assign to users: user and admin. In addition, the first account created for the entity is the owner of the entity.

  • Owner: The initial account created for the entity. Usually, this is the user that registers the entity.
  • Admin: Account type allows access to IT admin tools, like Entity Management and myViewBoard Manager console.
  • User: Standard users that still have access to more educationally oriented tools, like myViewBoard Whiteboard, myViewBoard Classroom, and myViewBoard Display.

Assign these roles on the Users page:

  1. Go to the Users page (in the left-side menu).
  2. For a desired user, open the dropdown menu in the Role column.
  3. Select a role.
  4. No further action is needed.


Only owners will have the option to assign another user the owner role. If delegated, the original owner of the entity will not be able to assign themselves the role again unless the newly assigned owner returns the role back.

View user sign-in history

At any time, admin can view a given user's sign-in history. This activity log is viewable by pressing the row of a desired user.

User presses the row (but avoid buttons) of a desired user, opening the Sign-in History panel.

Reset password

If at any time an entity user has forgotten their password, admin can trigger the reset password steps. They can do so by pressing the Reset Password button on the row of the relevant user.

This user will receive an email, and they should follow the steps to complete the reset password process.

Remove user

If it is ever necessary to remove a user from your entity, admin can press the Remove button on the row of the relevant user.

Additionally, admin can bulk remove users by checking the box for all desired users and pressing the Remove button above the user list:

Bulk remove button highlighted, with two users selected in the users list.

After confirming removal of the user, a prompt will appear asking the admin whether they would like to lock the user. If Yes is selected, the removed user will also not be able to sign in to myviewboard.com anymore, even with standard access the myViewBoard products and services. In other words, they would have to create a new account to use myViewBoard.

Lock User prompt, which appears after confirming removal of the user.

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