
Fractions 02 : Fractions on Number Lines


This content allows students to learn the fundamental concepts of fractions on number lines in an engaging and interactive way. We provided 1 animation and 6 activities in this content, all of them are multimedia-based. Teachers can keep their original lecture files while integrating with our content to create an interactive learning environment.



Students will be able to:

  • Connect visual representations of fractions (fraction bars, number lines, and number forms) to their corresponding meanings.
  • Represent fractions using fraction bars on number lines.
  • Apply fractions to real-world situations involving time measurement.
  • Understand a fraction as a number on the number line. (CCSS)
  • Represent fractions on a number line diagram. (CCSS)



  • Multimedia Teaser: Improve students' understanding of the fundamental concepts of fractions on number lines through an Originals animation. At the end of the video, assign a quiz and check students’ comprehension immediately using Class Swift.
  • Drag and Drop Activity: Provide students with a variety of sticky notes representing fractions in different forms. Guide them in dragging the images to the matching boxes labeled "Fractions," "Bar model," and "Number line model."
  • Number Line Activity 1: Present students with number lines, each with one point marked. Have them identify the fraction represented by the marked point and write down the corresponding fraction.
  • Number Line Activity 2: Provide students with interactive number lines. Have them place flags at the position that represents "1". Click the "A" button to reveal the answer and check their accuracy.
  • Number Line Activity 3: Have students use the screenshot function to capture a random fraction. Guide them in using fraction bars to represent the fraction on a number line.
  • Real-world Applications 1: Present students with word problems related to time measurement. Guide them in using number lines to visualize the time intervals and solve the problems.
  • Real-world Applications 2: Have students create a visual representation of their daily schedules by drawing lines on a number line to represent different activities. Encourage them to label the activities with fractions to indicate the proportion of time spent on each.