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Casting solutions for myViewBoard

This article outlines some convenient casting solutions that allow myViewBoard users to share a device screen to a ViewBoard during a lesson.



For information on networking requirements for these apps, as well as other myViewBoard products and services, view our networking requirements page.

myViewBoard Display

myViewBoard Display comes pre-installed on ViewBoards and only requires an internet browser on the casting device.

To learn how to get started with Display, view our Display articles.



vCastReceiver comes pre-installed on ViewBoards. With vCast, users can cast a screen to or receive a screen from a ViewBoard. Additionally, if users are casting from a Windows or Mac device, touchback is supported from the ViewBoard.

To get started, users can launch vCast on the IFP. The vCast landing page will display key information:

  • Network: to verify casting devices are on the same network
  • Device Name: to identify which device to cast to from the casting device
  • 6-digit password: to be entered on the casting device when ready to cast
  • First-time user help steps on casting

vCast landing screen with help guide open.




  • Scenario 1: User on a Windows device shares their screen using vCastSender to a ViewBoard and uses Whiteboard opened on the sharing device.
    • When receiving a device screen on a ViewBoard and using Whiteboard, note that standard ViewBoard Pen functionality may not apply.
    • For example, for certain models of Pens which feature fine tip/thick tip functionality, only the thick tip will be detected.
  • Scenario 2: User shares their screen using vCastSender to a ViewBoard, uses Whiteboard opened on the sharing device, stops sharing their screen, connects to the ViewBoard via USB-C or HDMI and USB-A, and attempts to use Whiteboard again.
    • As in Scenario 1, standard ViewBoard Pen functionality may not apply when receiving a device and using Whiteboard on the ViewBoard.
    • When connecting to the ViewBoard via wire, Pen functionality in Whiteboard will still be limited.
    • To restore the Pen's expected functionality, Whiteboard must be restarted.

vCastSender app

Users have the option to download and install the vCast Sender app onto their personal device. Help instructions will display an address or QR code users should access for installation of the app.



If you would like to remove the requirement to input a password before connecting with a receiving device, you have the option to disable this requirement in vCast's settings.

PIN Disable button highlighted in vCast's settings.

However, please note the following:

  1. Once the PIN requirement is disabled, any device on the receiving device's network will be able to connect.
  2. Can't find your receiving device in the device list? This may be occurring because your sending device is on a different subnetwork. Both sending and receiving devices must be on the same subnet for the receiving device to be discoverable.

Using a desktop/laptop device

Windows, Mac, and Chrome users should complete the following:

  1. Make sure your device is connected to the same network as the IFP.
  2. Go to the address displayed on vCastReceiver and download vCastSender.
  3. Launch vCast Sender.
  4. Connect to vCast through either of the following methods:
    • Entering the password displayed on vCast on the IFP.
    • Or entering the Device List and pressing next to your desired Device Name.
      • Remember: The Device Name is displayed on vCast on the IFP.

vCast Sender app landing screen asking user to input a code displayed in vCast.Available devices running vCast on the same network as your personal device.

Using a mobile device

iOS and Android users should complete the following:

  1. Make sure your device is connected to the same network as the IFP.
  2. Scan the QR code displayed on vCastReceiver and download vCastSender.
  3. Launch vCastSender.
  4. Connect to vCast through either of the following methods:
    • Entering the password displayed on vCast on the IFP.
    • Or entering the Device List and pressing next to your desired Device Name.
      • Remember: The Device Name is displayed on vCast on the IFP.

When connected, you'll see several annotation options that allow you to take actions on the receiving device.

View from a mobile touch device with annotation tools on the right and media folder open.

Review the following functions available while connected to a receiving device:



Show/hide this toolbar.
Home Return to the receiving device's home screen.
Back Go back one screen on the receiving device.
Folder Browse the sending device's files.
Cast the sending device's screen to the receiving device. (Android 5.0 and above.)
Touch Press to activate touch mode.
Pen Press to activate pen mode. Make annotations with different stroke styles.
Clear Clear all annotations from the screen.
Camera Take a picture with the sending device's camera and send to the receiving device.


iOS users also have the option to cast through iOS's native AirPlay functionality. To do so, complete the following:

  1. Make sure your device is connected to the same network as the IFP.
  2. On your device, open AirPlay and select the corresponding Device Name from the list.
  3. A one-time AirPlay password will appear on the IFP.
  4. Enter this password onto your device.


When casting your screen through AirPlay, touchback is not supported. Navigation can only be controlled through the casting device.



As another alternate solution, users have the option to cast their screens using Chromecast. To do so, complete the following:

  1. Make sure your device is connected to the same network as the IFP.
  2. On your device, open Chrome or a Chromium-based browser (like Microsoft Edge).
  3. Select Cast...
  4. Select the corresponding Device Name from the list.


When casting your screen through Chromecast, touchback is not supported. Navigation can only be controlled through the casting device.



With the Chromecast option enabled within vCastReceiver, any user on the same network or subnetwork can cast their device's screen to the receiving IFP. If you do not wish to make this option available, make sure to disable this option within vCastReceiver.

Chromecast Enabled feature highlighted within vCastReceiver settings. Image depicts the feature when it is disabled.

Through myViewBoard Whiteboard

myViewBoard Whiteboard comes pre-installed on ViewBoards. With Whiteboard, IFP users can share screens from other devices or the IFP's screen can be cast to other devices.

IFP users should sign in to Whiteboard (a Pro, Premium, or Entity account subscription is required), and access the Wireless Presentation feature.

For a full breakdown on all options available, review the Wireless Presentation article.


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