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Understanding entity user roles
Entities support different user roles to allow for admin configuration of myViewBoard services and products and user adoption of myViewBoard apps and other products.
User roles when requesting to be an entity
The initial account created is the entity owner of the account. This user is the individual who filled in the Entity Signup Form, and their account can never be deleted so long as the entity account is still active and assigned the owner role.
Aside from the owner account, those filling out the Entity Signup Form will have to register at least one other individual who will act as an entity admin.
User roles after the entity has been created
After an organization's entity has been created, and the owner and admin can access the Entity Management console, the following user roles are available for admin to assign to users:
- User: For standard users, such as teachers, who do not require access to admin tools and services like the Entity Management console.
- Admin: For IT admin who require access to admin tools like Entity Management and myViewBoard Manager.
Admin users can toggle between these two user roles for other users in Entity Management > Users. Learn more about managing users.
Note that the owner user role can only be assigned by the owner themself. After assigning another user the owner role, the previous owner cannot assign the role to themself again; only the new owner can assign it back.
In cases where the account associated with the current entity owner is no longer active, and you wish to transfer this owner status to an active account, please submit a ticket with our Support Team. You may also seek out your local ViewSonic representative.