Board history
The Board History feature allows users to track updates on the board and restore previous versions.
To access the Board History:
- Press the Settings icon.
- Select Board History.
- The Action tab is displayed by default. To switch to the Versions tab, click the Versions toggle button.
Actions tab displays all modifications to the board, detailing the changes and the date they were made by you or your collaborators.
- Press to collapse/expand the views of actions made at every version of the history log.
- Press to restore a deleted object.
The Versions feature allows reverting to any previously saved version of the board, which can be saved automatically or manually.
Manually Saved Versions
To manually save a version of the board:
- Press the icon next to Manually saved versions section.
- In the setting window:
- Edit or leave the default Version title as is.
- (Optional) Add a description for the saved board.
- Click Add to confirm and create a manual save.
Once you manually save a board, you have three options:
- Restore the saved version.
- Edit the version title and description.
- Erase the saved version.
Autosaved Versions
One hour after the last modification, the board is automatically saved by TeamOne and added to the Autosaved Versions tab in Board history.
To restore a previous version of the board, press the icon next to the version's date.