Entity Management

All the setup tools and info to run your entity

Entity Management

All the setup tools and info to run your entity

Other methods of adding users

Only users within a registered domain can be added (except in cases of syncing users through Microsoft Entra ID or Google Workspace). Before proceeding with the following methods of adding users, make sure your expected domains are set up in Domains.

Entity type and adding users

The following table breaks down by entity type which method to add users are available:

Method Individual Entity Shared Entity Public Entity
Find Domain-related Users
Manually add with CSV Import
Manually add with Quick Add

Methods of adding users

Find domain-related users

There may be occasion where individual users have set up a myViewBoard account prior to your entity being established. Users may have also created an account outside of the entity, or their account may have accidentally been deleted from your entity.

In such cases, use the Find Domain-related Users button to add these users into your entity. Additionally, admin can set a daily automatic sync of these users through this tool.



Only users in your main domain will be discoverable.

Remember, this tool will only be available to Individual Entity types.

To discover users and add individual ones in your main domain, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Users page (in the left-side menu).
  2. Press the + Find Domain-related Users button.
  3. A list of users will load from your main domain who have myViewBoard accounts not currently in your entity.
  4. The following options are available for each user:
    1. Add: Adds this individual user to your entity.
    2. Lock: When setting auto sync ON, locks this user from being added to your entity.
    3. Delete: Removes this user from the discovered users list, as well as on subsequent attempts to find users.
  5. Press Add to add a desired user to your entity.
  6. Continue adding users as necessary.

Users page with Find Domain-related Users button highlighted.

Actions (Add, Lock, Delete) for users highlighted in the Action column. Under the Status column, the third user in the list displays a lock symbol. The Auto sync domain users toggle above the list is also highlighted.



This toggle allows admin to set up an automatic sync of domain-related users. It checks for users every 24 hours and automatically adds them to your entity if discovered. Make sure to lock any users discovered that you wish not to add to your entity.


CSV import

Users can also be added with a CSV template, which you can find a download link for within the Users page. Simply upload the file to add the list of users.

CSV Import button and Download template file download link highlighted on the Users page.

To add users with a CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Users page (in the left-side menu).
  2. (Optional) Download a CSV template file through the Download template file link.
  3. Input all users you wish to add to your entity in a CSV file following the template format and save the file.
  4. On the Users page, press CSV Import.
  5. Upload your updated CSV user list file.
  6. So long as you followed the template format, you will see a Success notification and invitations will be emailed to all users in the list.

myViewBoard Name NOTE

The myViewBoard Name field is optional. However, we recommend your organization's teachers update this field to make it easier to connect with audiences during a Whiteboard session.

Keep the following in mind if inputting a myViewBoard Name in this CSV

  • Only letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and certain symbols (_@-. only).
  • No spaces or non-specified symbols allowed in the First_Name and Last_Name fields.

Quick add

The Quick Add option is best for when one or just a few users need to be added to an entity.

Quick Add button highlighted on the Users page.

To quick add a user, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Users page (in the left-side menu).
  2. Press the + Quick Add button.
  3. Input all required information for the user: first name, last name, email.
  4. When ready, press Add.
  5. A Success notification will appear, and an invitation will be emailed to the user added.

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