
Online Whiteboard for Efficient Collaboration


Online Whiteboard for Efficient Collaboration

Data Residency

Scalable Data Management in TeamOne: A Multi-Region, Layered Approach

TeamOne is designed to enhance collaboration not only within individual teams but also to extend collaboration to individuals and teams across different locations. This document explains the structured data management strategy used to maintain data integrity, availability, and compliance while ensuring seamless collaboration for all users.

Data classification is a vital aspect of effective data management and security within TeamOne. By categorizing data according to its sensitivity and relevance to various user roles, we establish a structured, secure, and effective system for handling data.

Data Residency and Compliance

By utilizing AWS data centers situated across different regions such as the EU, Asia, and the USA, TeamOne ensures compliance with regional data protection laws while offering a robust infrastructure for data residency.

Three-Layered Data Classification

To effectively manage data and ensure optimal performance and compliance, data within TeamOne is classified into three distinct layers: Personal Identifiable Information (PII), Entity Data (Teams, Projects), and Board Data, based on factors such as sensitivity level, regulatory compliance requirements, and access control needs.

  • PII is meticulously handled and stored within the user’s shard region. To comply with data protection regulations, PII is not replicated across regions.
  • Entity Data (Teams, Projects) is primarily stored in a central database. To improve performance and availability, this data is replicated in each region, enabling swift access and collaboration regardless of team location.
  • Board Data is stored locally in each region. To ensure data privacy and compliance, it is not replicated across regions and is accessible solely by designated board members.

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