What's New

August 2023

Install certificates with myViewBoard Manager Advanced, plus REST API, broadcasting video and playlist, and more Manager updates!

The start of a new school year is upon us! And myViewBoard is ramping up our efforts to give your school what it needs to deliver the best lessons possible 💪.

Read on to learn more about the latest updates in myViewBoard Manager!

myViewBoard Manager updates

Let's get into the latest in myViewBoard Manager!

Install certificates to Advanced devices

Great news for managing the security of your ViewBoards! Certificates can now be installed and managed from the Manager console. For supported devices, simply select them from a device list and open the new Install Certificate option to begin remotely installing a certificate.

Install Certificate prompt on a device list.

You also have the option to install certificates from a Device Info page. On Device Info pages, have the added benefit of managing certificates, with options to enable/disable system root certificates and remove user installed certificates.

Install Certificate prompt in the Cetificates page.

Please note, this feature is currently supported only for IFP50-5 devices with firmware version 20230509 or later.

Learn more about installing certificates.

Play a video, audio or playlist only once

For Advanced devices, video, audio, and playlist broadcasting has received a minor improvement. Now, the option to play a video or playlist once is supported.

To view this option, please note, it is only available in the single layout view. The option isn't available in broadcast layouts with mixed media.

Broadcast with single layout selected and Play once option selected.

Learn more about broadcast layouts, playlist broadcasting, and multimedia broadcasting.

The rest of the Manager updates

  • REST API > new command support:
    • Get from a device list: volume level, date of enrollment, SSID info.
    • Get device statistics and usage data via Group ID.
  • New language support: Czech.
  • Permissions (Advanced required) > new user permission controls: Profiles, Back Up and Restore, Playlists permissions have been added.
  • Remote Desktop > automatic time-out: Remote Desktop use will now time-out when no activity is detected for 30 minutes.

Quick Classroom update

  • myViewBoard Classroom > New font support: TTKB Dik Temel Abece (for the Turkish language).

See you next month

Though this month's update is short, stay tuned next month for a huge update 😉. myViewBoard Whiteboard (all versions) will update in September with exciting new features and updates!

Happy lesson and curriculum planning! 📚👩🏽‍🏫👨‍🏫

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