Magic Box

Your powerful toolbox to make lessons more engaging

Magic Box

Your powerful toolbox to make lessons more engaging


The clock can be found in Magic Box's tools menu and is available in the Windows version of myViewBoard only. Use the analog clock to display the current time and to teach students how to tell time. Display it on the myViewBoard canvas or while navigating in desktop mode.

This tool can be used on the canvas in Present and Prepare modes.



This tool can be used while navigating in desktop mode in the Windows version of myViewBoard.


Add a clock to the canvas

  1. In the main toolbar, press I-main-tool-bar-magic-box.svg.
  2. In the Magic Box window, select I-magic-box-tools.svg.
  3. Double press MB Tools Icon Clock.PNG (or press and drag the icon onto the canvas).
  4. The clock will appear on the canvas.

Actions available

Press and drag the edge 
of the clock to resize.
Press and move the clock
 hands to set a specific time.

Press  to sync the 
clock to your current time.
Press  to set a 
random clock time.

Press  to hide/show 
the numbers on the clock face. 
Press  to close 
the clock tool.


Android & iOS

Add a clock to the canvas

  1. In the main toolbar, press I-main-tool-bar-magic-box.svg.
  2. In the Magic Box window, select I-magic-box-tools.svg.
  3. Double press MB Tools Icon Clock.PNG (or press and drag the icon onto the canvas).
  4. The clock will appear on the canvas.

Actions available

Press and drag the edge 
of the clock to resize.

Press  to sync the 
clock to your current time.
Press  to set a 
random clock time.

Press  to hide/show the numbers on the clock face. Press  to close the clock tool.


Lesson idea



Ask students to tell the time:

  • Send them up to the board to use the shuffle time and quickly check quiz their time-telling skills.
  • Hide/show numbers to test student estimation abilities of the current time.

User opens a clock and resizes, sets a random time, sets a custom time, and shows and hides hour numbers.

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