Magic Box

Your powerful toolbox to make lessons more engaging

Magic Box

Your powerful toolbox to make lessons more engaging


The compass can be found in Magic Box's tools menu and is available in all myViewBoard versions. Press and drag the pen point to draw circles or arcs along the compass path.

This tool can be used on the canvas in Present and Prepare Mode.



This tool is only available in all versions of myViewBoard (Windows, Android, and iOS).



This tool can be used while navigating in desktop mode in the Windows version of myViewBoard.

Add a compass to the canvas

Compass functionality across myViewBoard versions is much the same, with some minor differences.


  1. In the main toolbar, press I-main-tool-bar-magic-box.svg.
  2. In the Magic Box window, select I-magic-box-tools.svg.
  3. Double press MB Tools Icon Compass.PNG (or press and drag the icon onto the canvas).
  4. The compass will appear on the canvas.

Android & iOS

  1. In the main toolbar, press I-main-tool-bar-magic-box.svg.
  2. In the Magic Box window, select I-magic-box-tools.svg.
  3. Double press MB Tools Icon Compass.PNG.
  4. The compass will appear on the canvas.

Actions available


Press and drag  to move the compass around the canvas.

User drags the compass around the canvas.

Press and drag  to rotate the compass.

User presses and holds rotate button the compass around a central point.

Press  to flip the compass.

User swaps the drawing side of the compass.

Press and drag  to resize the compass's radius, allowing you to draw bigger or smaller circles.

User lengthens the radius of the compass.

Press and drag the pen at the end of the compass to draw an arc or circle on the canvas.

User draws a perfect circle using the compass.

Press  to close the compass tool.


Android & iOS

Press and drag the compass handle  to move it around the canvas.

User drags the compass around the canvas.

Press and rotate the compass pencil side  to rotate the compass. Press  to widen the radius of the compass with the option to rotate the compass as well.

User presses and holds rotate button the compass around a central point.

Press  to flip the compass.

User swaps the drawing side of the compass.

Press  to display the distance between the endpoints of the compass.

User activates the measurement display on the compass and manipulates the tool, showing dynamic measurement between compass endpoints.

Press and drag  at the end of the compass to draw an arc or circle on the canvas.

User draws a perfect circle using the compass.

Press  to close the compass tool.


Lesson idea



Manipulate the compass to draw geometrical shapes, circles, and arcs in different scenarios.

User draws an igloo behind figures in the background using the compass tool. (Windows version depicted)

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