Whiteboard tools

All the other tools in myViewBoard Whiteboard

Whiteboard tools

All the other tools in myViewBoard Whiteboard


Lines can be found in the Shapes and Lines menu. Find different line types as lines, arrows, right angles, and curves.

Line options



The following line type availability is dependent on the version of myViewBoard Whiteboard being used.



Line with single arrow

Line with bidirectional arrows

Dotted line

Dotted line with single arrow

Dotted line with bidirectional arrows

Right-angled line
Dotted right-angled line
Right-angled line with single arrow 
Right-angled dotted line with single arrow
Right-angled line with bidirectional arrows
Right-angled dotted line with bidirectional arrows
Curved line
Curved line with single arrow
Curved line with bidirectional arrows
Line connector
Line connector with single arrow



Line with single arrow

Line with bidirectional arrows

Dotted line

Dotted line with single arrow

Dotted line with bidirectional arrows

Right-angled line
Dotted right-angled line
Right-angled line with single arrow 
Right-angled dotted line with single arrow
Right-angled line with bidirectional arrows
Right-angled dotted line with bidirectional arrows
Curved line
Curved line with single arrow
Curved line with bidirectional arrows

Add a line to the canvas

To access the Lines tools on myViewBoard Whiteboard:

  1. Press in the main toolbar.
  2. The default 2D shape selected is a rectangle .
  3. Press  in the main toolbar to display the 2D shapes menu.
  4. Press  to open the lines menu.
  5. The lines menu provides the following options before creating the shape:
    • Select a line type.
    • Select the color of the line.
    • Adjust the line thickness and transparency.
  6. After you have selected a line type and its styling options, press and drag on the canvas to create the line.

User selects multiple line types and adjusts their styling before connecting lines between different 3D shapes.

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