Create, assign and schedule Jobs
Available for Advanced license devices, Jobs are preconfigured actions that can be sent immediately or on a schedule to devices. Once a job is created, multiple devices or groups of devices can be assigned to jobs at once.
Overview of available Jobs
Jobs list
- Set audio volume
- Adjust backlight
- Power device off
- Restart
- Change input source
- Screen lock/unlock
- Screen on/off
- Update firmware
- Broadcast layout options
- Broadcast standard or urgent message
- Broadcast multimedia
- Broadcast playlist
- Broadcast web page
- Broadcast text editor
- Install apps
- Send files
- Add Wi-Fi SSID
- Allow installation of unknown apps
- Forbid installation of unknown apps
- ViewBoard Box control: power ON/OFF
Jobs page options breakdown. Right-side Detail view also visible (after user has pressed the row of a given job).
Note: You may have to scroll to the right to access the edit job and assign job to devices functions.
Overview of the expired jobs page, which presents previously scheduled one-time jobs in case you want to reuse any of them.
Creating a job
Jobs must first be created before being assigned to devices:
- Go to the jobs page by pressing
- In the live jobs list, press
to create a new job.
- Input a name for this job so that it's easily identifiable for future reuse.
- Select a job type.
- All jobs are commands that can be sent via the Manager remote control or via other features. Review the features page or the Remote Control page for more information on the function of each command.
- Complete the necessary extra steps for this given job type.
- Set scheduling to your preferred option.
- (Optional) Add notes so this job is easily identifiable for future reuse.
- Press OK.
Create Job popup, with the Set audio volume job type selected.
Scheduling a Job
Setting a job's schedule
When creating a job, you will have the following options:
- None: No schedule will be set for this job. Additionally, no devices can be added to this job.
One time: This job will be scheduled for a specified date and time. It will only run one time on any assigned devices.
Indicated bynext to the switch under the Scheduling column.
Recurring: This job will be scheduled to run at a specified time of day recurring either daily or weekly and ending never or on a selected date.
Indicated bynext to the switch under the Scheduling column.
- Daily: The job will run at a specified time of day seven days a week until a specified end date.
- Weekly: The job will run at a specified time of day on specified days of the week until a specified end date.
- Start Date: Select the date when the job will begin running.
- End Date: Select the date when the final job will be run.
Assigning a job schedule to devices
- After creating a job with a schedule, make sure to leave the scheduling toggle in the OFF position
- In the row of the desired job, press
- In the Assign Job to Devices popup, check the box for all devices to which you want to assign this job.
- (Optional) Toggle to the Group view to assign this job to a previously created group.
- Once all desired devices are selected, press OK.
- In the Detail panel, you should now see all assigned devices (and groups, if applicable) under Assigned Devices (see clip below).
- Switch the scheduling toggle to the ON position
- Devices assigned to this job will now follow the pre-configured schedule for when this job will run.
User opens the Assign Job to Devices popup and assigns devices and then a group to a job. After assigning, the devices and group appear in the right-side panel. The user presses the group to view specific devices assigned within that group.
Removing devices from a scheduled Job
- After creating a job with a schedule, make sure to set the scheduling toggle to the OFF position
- In the row of the desired job, press
- In the Assign Job to Devices popup, check the box for all devices you wish to remove from this job.
- (Optional) Toggle to the Group view to remove groups from this job.
- Press OK.
- In the Detail panel, you should no longer see the devices you just removed.
User opens the Assign Job to Devices popup and deselects devices and group. After confirming, the devices are no longer visible in the right-side panel.
Assigning a Job from a device list
- Go to the
All Devices page.
- Locate your desired Advanced devices.
(Optional) Filter to an Advanced device-only view by pressing.
- Check the boxes for all devices on which you want to run your desired jobs.
- Press
on the main toolbar.
- Check the boxes for all jobs you wish to run on your selected devices.
- Press OK.
- Await a response.
Run Jobs popup, which appears after the user has selected a device and pressed the jobs button the main toolbar.