ViewSonic Knowledge Base


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard

Sorting devices into groups

Organize devices into groups for more convenient management.

Creating a group

  1. In the navigation menu, press  Groups to expand the group dropdown list.
  2. Below the groups list, press Add a Group.
  3. Input your desired group name.
  4. Press Create Group.

The user decides to create a new group, presses Groups, and is prompted to add a group name. The group is then created and can be found by scrolling down on the Group drop-down menu.

Adding devices to a group

  1. In the navigation menu, press  Groups to expand the group dropdown list.
  2. Select the group where you wish to add a device.
  3. Within the selected group's panel, press ManagerAddNewPlaylist.svg.
  4. In the popup window, select all devices you wish to add to this group.
  5. Press OK.
  6. The devices should now appear in the device list for this group.

Starring devices

  1. In any group or device list, locate the device you want to add to the starred device list.
  2. Press  in the main toolbar.
  3. A star icon will appear in the row of this device .
  4. Press MVB M starred.svg Starred in the navigation menu to view starred devices.

Removing devices from a group

  1. In the navigation menu, press  Groups to expand the group dropdown list.
  2. Select the group where you wish to remove a device or devices.
  3. Check the box for all devices you wish to remove.
  4. In the main toolbar, press  to remove the device(s) from the group.

Export device info

If you want a more detailed overview of your devices, you can export the device information to a spreadsheet by selecting Export to Excel file.


  1. Open the  Groups drop-down menu and select your desired group.
  2. Press (located next to the Groups title).
  3. Press  Export to Excel file.
  4. Select the file destination and press Save.


  1. Go to the  Starred page.
  2. Press  (located next to the Starred title).
  3. Press  Export to Excel file.
  4. Select the file destination and press Save.

Deleting a group

At any time, delete a previously created group.

  1. Open the Groups drop-down menu and select your desired group.
  2. Press (located next to the group title).
  3. Press Delete and confirm your deletion.

User is in a group list view and has opened the group menu with the Delete button highlighted.

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