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Sorting devices into groups
Organize devices into groups for more convenient management.
Creating a group
- In the navigation menu, press Groups to expand the group dropdown list.
- Below the groups list, press Add a Group.
- Input your desired group name.
- Press Create Group.
Adding devices to a group
- In the navigation menu, press Groups to expand the group dropdown list.
- Select the group where you wish to add a device.
- Within the selected group's panel, press .
- In the popup window, select all devices you wish to add to this group.
- Press OK.
- The devices should now appear in the device list for this group.
Starring devices
- In any group or device list, locate the device you want to add to the starred device list.
- Press in the main toolbar.
- A star icon will appear in the row of this device .
- Press Starred in the navigation menu to view starred devices.
Removing devices from a group
- In the navigation menu, press Groups to expand the group dropdown list.
- Select the group where you wish to remove a device or devices.
- Check the box for all devices you wish to remove.
- In the main toolbar, press to remove the device(s) from the group.
Export device info
If you want a more detailed overview of your devices, you can export the device information to a spreadsheet by selecting Export to Excel file.
- Open the Groups drop-down menu and select your desired group.
- Press (located next to the Groups title).
- Press Export to Excel file.
- Select the file destination and press Save.
- Go to the Starred page.
- Press (located next to the Starred title).
- Press Export to Excel file.
- Select the file destination and press Save.
Deleting a group
At any time, delete a previously created group.
- Open the Groups drop-down menu and select your desired group.
- Press (located next to the group title).
- Press Delete and confirm your deletion.