ViewSonic Knowledge Base


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard

Upload media and create playlists

With Manager Advanced licensed devices, users can broadcast media such as images, videos, media playlists, and web pages.

For information on broadcast media to devices, view the Advanced Broadcasting page.

Uploading media

Media can be uploaded to Manager through the Files page, and it can also be added in the Media page.

  1. On the side panel, select  Resources and then  Media.
  2. Add  to upload a new media file from your device.
  3. Drag and drop your desired file or press Browse media files.
File type File size limit
MP4 Video: 500MB
Image: 30MB
Audio: 30MB

Folder organization in Media repository

Additionally, files can be organized into folders  in the Media repository.

  1. On the Media page, select Create new folder .
  2. Name the folder and select Create.
  3. Double press the folder you just created to open it.

Other folder options:

  • View folder options by pressing .
  • On any previously uploaded file, press  and have the option to Move a file into another folder.

Creating a playlist

  1. On the side panel, press  Resources and then Playlists.
  2. Press New Playlist.
  3. Input the playlist's name.
  4. Press .
  5. On the Media repository files tab, select all media that will compose your playlist.
  6. Press OK.

User accesses the New Playlist prompt, names the playlist, and creates it.

User opens the Add files prompt and then selects several media files to add to the currently viewed playlist.Adding media to a playlist.



Please note, the maximum number of slides permitted in a playlist is 20.

Editing a playlist

  1. Within the  Playlists drop-down menu, press your desired playlist.
    • Press  to add more slides.
    • Press  and drag a slide up or down to reorder its position in the playlist.
    • Press  to remove the slide from the playlist.
    • Press  to edit the duration all slides will display.
    • Press  to edit the duration a slide will display.
      • Have the option to display videos only once or for a custom period of time.
  2. Press  next to the playlist title to rename the title or delete the entire playlist.


Add media to a playlist from the Media page.

  1. On the left-side panel, press Resources.
  2. Press Media.
  3. On your desired piece of media, press the kebab button .
  4. Add the media into a playlist through either of the two methods:
    • Select the playlist to which you want to add this media.
    • Or press  Create a playlist to place the media into a new playlist.
  5. Press OK.

From the Media page, user has opened the Add to playlist popup. Options are available to add individual pieces of media to an existing playlist or to add it to a new playlist with the Create a playlist button.

Create a playlist from a PowerPoint file

PPTX file type is supported when uploading to Files within Manager. To create a playlist using a PPTX file, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have uploaded your desired PPTX file to  Files.
  2. Within Playlists, either create a playlist or edit an existing playlist.
  3. Press  to add media.
  4. Go to the PowerPoint Files tab.
  5. Select your desired PPTX file.
  6. Press OK.

Files page with the Upload file prompt open.

Within an already created playlist, user has switched to the PowerPoint Files tab and has selected a PPTX file.

This process converts the slides in the PowerPoint file into slides in a new playlist, and it places these slides within the playlist you have chosen.



Please be aware, playlists have a 20-slide limit. If the PPTX file you are attempting to convert into images into a playlist exceeds 20 slides, an error response will return. Make sure the PPTX file you are converting is 20 slides or under.

As with any playlist, you can then broadcast this playlist from any device list.

Initiating a PPTX broadcast from a device list

The process of uploading a PPTX file and converting the file into a playlist can be initiated from a device playlist. Learn more about the Presentation File feature, an Advanced feature found in a device list.

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