ViewSonic Knowledge Base


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard

Manager features overview

On loading the Manager console, your device list will appear along with a left-side panel menu and main toolbar. Various actions can be taken to manage your devices from here. Check the box of devices to view available actions in the main toolbar and in the Remote Control panel.

Manager basic

Console overview

Overview of the Manager console with basic features.

Entity list View all entities with which your account is associated. Switch to another entity to view devices bound to that entity.
All Devices View the entire list of all devices added to your selected entity.
Starred View the list of all devices that have been starred.

View your created groups and the list of devices added to a given group.

Press to open a drop-down of all groups. Press a group to view devices within it.

Resources Press to expand. View Manager features where you can store certain files.



Press to view all apps available to send to devices, with the option to upload apps to Manager.

(Max 1GB of storage is available.)

Other left-side panel menu tools

ViewBoard Box Control1

View all connected ViewBoard Boxes.

Set which devices are connected and proceed to send commands with a Remote Control.

Manager Advanced

For users who have not acquired any Manager Advanced licenses, request licenses through this page.

Learn more here.

1A device must be turned on and online for users to be able to interact with Remote Control features.

Main toolbar

Broadcast Broadcast messages to devices instantly. Have the option to send urgent messages that take up the entirety of a screen.
End Broadcast For a device currently broadcasting, select the device and click this button to end the broadcast.
Apps Select at least one device and click to install/uninstall app(s).
Move (to group) Select at least one device and click this button to view all groups to which you can move your selected devices.
Starred Select at least one device and click this button to assign your selected devices to the starred list.

Select at least one device and click this button to remove your selected devices from Manager.

Devices can always be added back to Manager at a later time.

Search Use the search bar to quickly filter for a device.
Refresh device list Refresh your list of devices to ensure you are viewing the latest list of devices added to Manager, as well as the latest status of these devices.
Add device Press to open the Add Device prompt.

Device statuses

Online Device is online and can receive commands from Manager.
Offline Device is offline. Commands sent from Manager will not be received unless otherwise notified.
Broadcasting Device is currently broadcasting a message.


Settings Press to open the settings drop-down menu.
Notifications Press to open a list of Manager notifications. These include updates on app installations and storage usage.
Language Select your preferred language to be displayed in the Manager console.
API Keys Press to open API Key prompt. Generate new keys and manage existing ones.
CAP Messaging Press to open CAP messaging setup and management. Generate CAP credentials to connect Manager with your preferred alert messaging platform.
Backup and Restore Press to open the Backup and Restore prompt. Create restore points that save the state of Manager device data.
User Feedback Press to open a user survey in a new tab, allowing you to provide feedback on your Manager experience.
What's New Press to display the latest Manager release details. Standard Manager features are displayed first.
Device Support Info Press to open the Device capability chart article, which outlines which features are supported across different ViewSonic devices.

Language support

The following languages are currently supported in the Manager console.

Language name (English) Native name
Arabic العربية
Catalan Català
Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文
Dutch Nederlands
English English
French Français
German Deutsch
Hungarian Magyar
Indonesian Indonesian
Italian Italiano
Japanese 日本語
Polish Polskie
Romanian Română
Russian Pyccкий
Slovene Slovenščina
Slovak Slovenčina jazyk
Spanish Espaňol
Swedish Svenska
Turkish Türkçe
Vietnamese Tiếng Việt

Remote Control

Volume Adjust the volume on selected devices.
Brightness Adjust the backlight level on selected devices.
Power Off Power off selected devices.
Restart Restart selected devices.
Input Source Press to view a list of input sources. Select one to switch selected devices to that source.
Add Wi-Fi SSID Input credentials to add a Wi-Fi SSID to selected devices.
Auto Firmware Update

Set selected devices to automatically update device firmware any time new firmware is available and the device is online.

Have the option to set a specific time for Manager to check for new firmware and update the device.

Screen Lock

Toggle to set whether a screen can be interacted with or not.

Device users will not be able to interact with the device until the Manager user unlocks this toggle.

Update Firmware Press this button to trigger a firmware update (if available) instantly.
Allow installation of unknown apps Toggle whether to allow installation of unknown apps on a device.
Screen On/Off

Toggle to turn a screen on or off.

Note: This does not turn the device off. Device users need simply interact with the device to wake it up.


Manager Advanced

Console overview

Overview of the Manager console with access to Advanced features.

Left-side panel menu

Entity list View all entities with which your account is associated. Switch to another entity to view devices bound to that entity.
All Devices View the entire list of all devices added to your selected entity.
Starred View the list of all devices that have been starred.

View your created groups and the list of devices added to a given group.

Press to open a drop-down of all groups. Press a group to view devices within it.


View the list of created device profiles and create new device profiles.

Have access to records of previous device assignments.

Jobs View the list of created jobs and create new jobs. Have access to previously run jobs, which you can activate again.
Resources Press to expand. View Manager features where you can store certain files.
Reports View device usage reports, as well as input source and app usage reports for each device.
Action Log View all actions taken by users on Manager. Info includes username, time, action taken, device name, and more.



Press to view all apps available to send to devices, with the option to upload apps to Manager.

(Max 15GB of storage is available.)


Upload and view all media added to Manager.

These media are also available to send to devices from the All Devices list.


View all playlists created or create a new playlist.

These playlists are also available to send to devices from the All Devices list.


Upload and view all files added to Manager.

These files are also available to send to devices from the All Devices list.

Other left-side panel menu tools

ViewBoard Box Control1

View all connected ViewBoard Boxes.

Set which devices are connected and proceed to send commands with a Remote Control.


Create SCALE-UP classrooms by configuring a host device and huddle devices.

To learn more, contact myViewBoard support.

Permissions View a list of all users and configure which actions they are permitted to execute on Manager.

1A device must be turned on and online for users to be able to interact with Remote Control features.

Main toolbar

Advanced license device list toggle Press this toggle to filter the device list to display only devices assigned an Advanced license.
Broadcast Broadcast messages or media to devices instantly. Have the option to send urgent messages that take up the entirety of a screen.
End Broadcast For a device currently broadcasting, select the device and click this button to end the broadcast.
Apps Select at least one device and click to install/uninstall app(s).
Files Select at least one device and click to choose which file(s) you want to send to a device.
Jobs Select at least one device and click to choose which job(s) you want to run on a device.
Profiles Select at least one device and click to choose which profile you want to assign to a device.
Certificates Select at least one device and press to install a certificate.
Move (to group) Select at least one device and click this button to view all groups to which you can move your selected devices.
Starred Press to expand. View Manager features where you can store apps.
Add to Advanced devices Select at least one device and press this button to assign an Advanced license to the device(s).
Remove from Advanced devices Select at least one device and press this button to remove an Advanced license from the device(s).

Select at least one device and press this button to remove your selected devices from Manager.

Devices can always be added back to Manager at a later time.

Search Use the search bar to quickly filter for a device.
Refresh device list Refresh your list of devices to ensure you are viewing the latest list of devices added to Manager, as well as the latest status of these devices.
Add device Press to open the Add Device prompt.

Device statuses

Online Device is online and can receive commands from Manager.
Offline Device is offline. Commands sent from Manager will not be received unless otherwise notified.
Broadcasting Device is currently broadcasting a message.


Settings Press to open drop-down menu.
Notifications Press to open list of Manager notifications. These include updates on app installations and storage usage.
Language Select your preferred language to be displayed in the Manager console.
API Keys Press to open API Key prompt. Generate new keys and manage existing ones.
CAP Messaging Press to open CAP messaging setup and management. Generate CAP credentials to connect Manager with your preferred alert messaging platform.
Backup and Restore Press to open the Backup and Restore prompt. Create restoration points that save the state of Manager device data.
User Feedback Press to open a user survey in a new tab, allowing you to provide feedback on your Manager experience.
What's New Press to display the latest Manager release details. Standard Manager features are displayed first.
Device Support Info Press to open the Device capability chart article, which outlines which features are supported across different ViewSonic devices.

Language support

The following languages are currently supported in the Manager console.

Language name (English) Native name
Arabic العربية
Catalan Català
Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文
Dutch Nederlands
English English
French Français
German Deutsch
Hungarian Magyar
Indonesian Indonesian
Italian Italiano
Japanese 日本語
Polish Polskie
Romanian Română
Russian Pyccкий
Slovene Slovenščina
Slovak Slovenský jazyk
Spanish Espaňol
Swedish Svenska
Turkish Türkçe
Vietnamese Tiếng Việt

Remote Control

Remote Desktop Launch a separate tab and control and navigate a device remotely.
Volume Adjust the volume on selected devices.
Brightness Adjust the backlight level on selected devices.
Power Off Power off selected devices.
Restart Restart selected devices.
Input Source Press to view a list of input sources. Select one to switch selected devices to that source.
Add Wi-Fi SSID Input credentials to add a Wi-Fi SSID to selected devices.
Auto Firmware Update

Set selected devices to automatically update a device anytime new firmware is available and the device is online.

You will also have the option to set a specific time for Manager to check for new firmware and update the device.

Schedule Startup & Shutdown

Set up a startup and shutdown schedule for the selected device(s).

Have the option to create up to three weekly schedules.

Update Firmware Press this button to trigger a firmware update instantly.
Screen Lock

Toggle to set whether a screen can be interacted with or not.

Device users will not be able to interact with the device until the Manager user unlocks this toggle.

Settings Lock

Toggle to set whether a ViewBoard's settings requires a password for users to access it.

Once turned on, set the password.

Allow installation of unknown apps Toggle whether to allow installation of unknown apps on a device.
Screen On/Off

Toggle to turn a screen on or off.

Note: This does not turn the device off. Device users need simply interact with the device to wake it up.


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