ViewSonic Knowledge Base


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard


IT management of ViewSonic devices with a simple dashboard

Install apps via Manager

Admin can remotely install apps onto one or more Manager devices with one command. This command can be sent from the main toolbar of a device list or from within a Device Info page.

Installing apps

  1. Go to the  All Devices panel and select the devices to which you wish to install apps.
  2. Press  Apps on the top toolbar.
  3. Press Install.
  4. In the popup, select all apps you wish to install and press OK.
  5. App installation will begin after the command has been sent, message appears.

Pop-up displaying all apps that can be installed to Manager devices.



Please note that different devices support different versions of myViewBoard Whiteboard. When different device models are selected in Install Apps list, Manager will detect the device and indicate the supported version of Whiteboard for it. Keep in mind that older device models may not be compatible with the most recent Whiteboard updates.

Whiteboard version note within the Install Apps pop-up window showing version support of myViewBoard Whiteboard with selected devices.



In addition to myViewBoard apps, a set of approved 3rd party apps is also available by default. This list of apps has increased over time and is subject to change, so pay attention to the release notes for the latest updates.

Upload custom apps

Users can upload custom apps to Manager to make them available to install to devices.

  1. Press  Resources and then  Apps in the left-side panel.
  2. Press .
  3. Upload all APK files from your local drive you wish to add to Manager.
    1. Drag and drop files into the pop-up.
    2. Or press Browse files and select files from your file browser.
  4. Review the Custom Apps tab to verify all apps have been added.

Upload APK popup, with the Custom Apps tab highlighted.



The max file size allowed for uploading apps file types is 500 MB.

Uninstalling apps

  1. On the  All Devices page, select one or more devices.
  2. Press  Apps on the top toolbar.
  3. Press Uninstall.
  4. In the popup, select all apps you wish to uninstall and press OK.
  5. Uninstallation will begin after the command has been sent, message appears.


Manager only detects which apps have been installed through the Manager console. As such, all apps that come pre-installed or that are installed through the device itself cannot be uninstalled through the Manager console.



If it is sufficient to hide apps, devices with a Manager Advanced license can set whether a given app will show or hide on a device. Learn more here.

Managing apps from device info page

  1. On the  All Devices page, double press the row of the device for which you wish you view more info.
  2. Press the  Apps & OS tab.
  3. From here, manage apps in the following ways:
    1. Press install to open the Install Apps popup.
    2. On a given app row, switch the toggle ON/OFF to show/hide a given app. (Manager Advanced devices only.)
    3. On a given app row, press delete  to remove a given app from the device.

Device Info page for a specific device, with the Apps & OS tab selected. Mouse cursor is hovering over the application install button, and show/hide toggle and delete buttons highlighted. (To enter this view, double press a device's row on the All Devices panel.)

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